Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Medical Supplies Every Cat Owner Should Have

People love their cats, and most pet owners will do whatever they can to make sure that their feline friend is well taken care of.  You’ll only buy them the best food available, give them tons of toys, and shower them with attention.  Some of your friends joke that you treat your cat like a human, and you couldn’t tell them that they’re wrong.  After all, sometimes the best way to care for a pet is to think about the needs you have, and how your pet may have similar requirements. 

You need food and water just like your pets do, and you also sometimes need a little medical help.  Our cats can get bumps and scrapes like we do, and sometimes a first aid kit can come in handy.  You have a medicine cabinet full of things for you, so why shouldn’t your cat have one?  Keep in mind that you should always take your cat to the vet if you’re concerned about their health, but there are things you can do at home to help them.  If you want to make sure that you have something available in case your cat is having a medical problem, make sure that you have these things around your home.


Cuts and scrapes happen, and with the right tools on hand you can care for any of your cat’s minor injuries.  You don’t need anything elaborate for bandaging material.  Gauze squares and rolls are essential for applying pressure to a wound.  A flexible wrap can also help apply needed pressure to the wound.

Muzzle or towel

Sometimes when a cat is injured, they may get a little agitated and difficult to control.  Remember, you need to keep yourself safe so that you can help your cat.   A towel can easily be used to hold the cat in place in case they start scratching you.


If you need to administer medication to your cat, an eyedropper will be very helpful.  Getting a cat to take a pill in regular circumstances is difficult enough, but trying to do it while they’re sick or scared is going to be impossible.  Try to get a liquid form of the medicine for cats that you’re administering. 


Cats can get into dirt and dander, and some have a tendency to get things in their eyes.  Eyewash can help flush out any irritants easily.  Make sure that you don’t get anything that’s harsh or could make irritation worse.  The only ingredients should be purified water or saline.

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